Hello all... Welcome to my first kindergarden blog where i will introduce an exciting nite i had at Mount Faber Singapore... It was my company annual dinner of 2008 on 08/03/2008 where everybody were supposed to dress in a theme of "Viva Las Vegas". Wondering how to dress VIVA?

Now dis is how u wear "VIVA"!!
From left : Me, Phoebe, Joanne, Chloe, Melvin, Allen & Eric
There were games at our dinner..and our MC made us play POKER!! OMG!! Like in Las Vegas Casino man... Way to go for the MC man Mr. Alan. I won 2 return cable car tickets at sentosa for the games. Orh ya don forget balloon games too.. Wanna see how i blew up my mouth? U all must be waiting to see my ugly face rite?
Can you see my octopus face? If you can't then too bad~~~
We had lucky draws too... My number was 88830.. Nice number rite? It gave me an 18th prise which were $100 Robinson's voucher. Must wait till Singapore Great Sale then only worthwhile rite~~ hehehe... u all must b saying that i very kiasu rite? I can hear u!!! I also won 2nd prise of Women's Best Dress orh.... Don't believe it rite? Come i show u....
Dis is my 2nd Best Dress Partner (Lawrence -aka Mr. Kiasu) :-p
Orh yes... must show(sai meng) u all my HANDSOME ITALIAN BOSS~~ make sure u all hold tissues in your hand and pls close ur mouth yah...
Can you see BOSS-Mr. Mauro? OMG!! So Handsome rite? Like JAMES BOND..
Come.. i show you the ladies toilet in Mount Faber - Jewel Box.. U gonna go crazy over it...

This is Jewel Box toilet. All glass wan lor...Can u see wats behind us? Cable car's to Sentosa..
From left : Kit, Ginny,Kristine, Me & ?? - The new girl
Dis is my Savino Family.... Lovely & Fun Family...
Standing : Allen, Me, Chloe, Eric
Sitting : Joanne & Phoebe

My dearest yet sickening Brother of mine (Eric - aka ET)
Dis is vivienne... She has gone over the seas to spore... (sob.. sob..)

We are the 5 Princess...
From left : Chloe, Phoebe, Me, Vivienne & Joanne
This is my Whole Savino Group!! Fantastic Family...
Well my tour will end here and thanks for dropping by my first step in Blogging.... Hope you all enjoyed the blog if not you all shld hav enjoyed watching the pictures rite? So do leave any comments if u have something to say... So see ya all again... Ciaos...