Have anybody eaten the Traditional Salted Chix before? It is really very hard and long to cook it especially when you are cooking it in the "HOT SUN". Well i started giving it a try (to cook) and see will it turn out rite cos i have nvr eaten it before. Well what you guys will see below is seriously "HARD WORK".....
Is this considered under the HOT SUN???

Beginning, Fry the Salt for 2 HRS until the Salt turn yellow or until you can see the Salt popping up & down like pop corns... (plz remember to use charcoal when cooking this....don't use gas yah!!) ps: now you know why this needs to be fried for 2 hrs.... hahaha.....

Once the Salt is ready cover the Salt over the wrapped chix nicely. Make sure the paper is covered well.

After that close the Chix with a cover and wait for another 1 hr or until the chix is soft....

While waiting... Let's have some Jap cucumber with sosses that is made by myself plus with some mayo..... YUMMY!!!!!

Here is the Beautiful Lady after it is ready!!!!! Looks like Hainanese Chix hoh... zzzzzzz!!! hahaha.... But don't get conned by it... It really taste nice and salty of coz.....

Here is me eating at 7.00pm after 3 hrs of hardwork.... If you ask me when will i be doing this again... i'll say mayb in another few years bah... it's just too tiring....
Well i hope all of ya got some tips of frying your own salted chix but i wont guarantee that ur chix will turn out nice like mine yah!!!! So pls remember not to blame me if ur's don't come out as it should be.... hahahaha..... Till then~~~ CIAO!!@#$%^