Saturday, September 13, 2008

Happy B'day Cousin!!

Went to Barney's for my cousin's B'day on 07/9. Celebrated earlier cos his b'day falls on 09/9 where i'm not around. So had a nice meal n chat's over dinner and took some pics.... Regreted didn't took some nice pics of the food. Was too hungry when the food came & didn't noticed that i forgot about the pics of the food. And of cos, it's too late as it is in my warm stomach now. Gave him a nice little "Angpow" for a good start for his 21st age. Hope he can grow up and be matured and hope he can start to find a job soon. Wish him Good Health and Good Luck~~~ Cheers Bro!!!!

B'day boy in RED (Kevin), Emest, Aunt Jenn & Uncle Lee

(His Family)

My Grandfather & Grandmother

Me with them

Of Cos me with my Lovely Mom. Do we look alike?

Wish my whole Family with Happiness, Prosperity & Good Health

Love them all Alwayz~~~~~~~


minnie sherlin said... envy u lo...relation with cousin also so closed?

Good job...

Vel6068 said...

hahahaa... we grow up together lei.. of cos close la.. he's like my small brother instead of cousin lo...