So i didn't give much hope of laughter for the movie.
But ended up, it was the other way round.
It is seriously hillarious wor....
Damn good acting skills i must say...
2 thumbs up for a Chinese New Year show.
But i wonder, why cantonese ppl like to sing those kinda opera songs de ar?
Which they pull the last letter word of the songggg~~~~
Really can't understand!!!
I'm sure SK is gonna comment and answer my questions on this de lo... right?
For those who haven't watch the show, pls go and get a laugh.....
It releases your tension.....
If it doesn't relax ur tension muscle, then pls go and see a doctor.....
errmm, i am teochew not cantonese woh, so cannot answer you question..
btw, that picture you copy bulat bulat from my blog ah?? so not sincere one?? hahaha :p
hahahaha...... you found out in the end.... yahlo... i copy bulat bulat lo... dono how to find the picture wor. so jus copy lo... jangan marah la... you teach me lo how to put those pics on blog. yours and danny's blog always have so many images de.... i wanna learn how to find nice images lei... you wanna teach me?
vel .. no need learn one la.. just go google lo.. everything is just one click away :))
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