A sad week for me again....
My baby got hit by his nephew.
His nephew borrowed my car and came back at 12+ midnite asking me a question
"Does your car have insurance?"
What the HELL????
This question makes me feel uncomfortable man....
Sure something happen.
Sure enough, he told me he banged my baby....
The weird thing is, he said he went to bang a tree cos he wanted to turn away from an upcoming car which is over taking....
Can you believe it?
Can a road be so small until there is no place for you to distance it from the upcoming car?
He must have been speeding and could have the car over controled~~
This is what i believe....
As the damaged does not look like scratches from a TREE!!!
Wire Gone....
Inner Lights crashed~~
Bumper Gone case....
Wiring too....
Bonet need to change the whole thing...
Here does not look serious right?
But my bonet cant close and the clip is broken.
(There is still the side koyak too)
Goner aka can't even drive anymore as it will just burst anytime.... (Told by the surveyor)
So now you tell me, does it look like kena a TREE??? This little things, cost more than RM????++ (4 digits)
The moral of this story : If you are driving other ppl's car, no matter who it is, please be extra careful with the car when driving it..... If not, you may cause pain to the owner's little heart and a big hole in your own pocket!!!!
So now you tell me, does it look like kena a TREE??? This little things, cost more than RM????++ (4 digits)
The moral of this story : If you are driving other ppl's car, no matter who it is, please be extra careful with the car when driving it..... If not, you may cause pain to the owner's little heart and a big hole in your own pocket!!!!
OMG !! dear dear... r u ok ? i mean ur "little heart"... anyway..is seem tat ur baby oso no luck le.. if i'm not mistaken.. tis is 4th time already rite.. exclude those minor minor scratch..Anyway..now u r working at oversea & seldom use car..if not.. another problem for u on the transportation...God Bless to u & ur baby...
those are very "mysterious" damage woh, i wonder how the car was driven and how the damages manage to be there?? *scratch head*
pity u...
but i know its very difficult to blame the one who cause the accident, especially when he is your relative...
Lao Yi : My heart of cos was broken la. I don't even dare to go and have a look when he prompt me that question lo. Until the next morning only i went to have a look. I feel my baby so "ku ming" hard life, always kena hurt de. But at least i get a good and expensive make over each time.... I will pay the best for my baby. So dono the ppl who will buy my car in the future called "xing fu" as i take well care of my car or "ming Ku" as it has kena accident for so many times.... hahahahaha......
SK : I also don't understand.... Only god knows and has the video of the accident recorded. I'll try to ask from God for the video when i'm in heaven next time...
Danny : Exactly... Now no body at home dares to lend him the car. End up, the father went to buy a 15yr old proton saga for him... Hard enough for his bangging... hahahah... Guess the problem will nvr happen again... hehehee...
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