AnGry!!!!!! I'm frustrated with my tooth!!! I'm having sensitive teeth on my wisdom tooth again. I seriously hate this kind of feeling and pain. As it get's on my nerve. I would have to visit the dentist this time which i hate the most. After having it pulled out you can't eat anything for days.... Which i totally feel sad for as i can only eat food's which baby eats... etc: porridge, oats, bread, all the soft food you can find.
The reason why i hate going to the dentist sooo much it's cos of the drilling sound you keep hearing. You won't know what they are doing in your mouth as you can't see it. If you meet a gentle dentist who is treating you, at least it is still not that bad but if you meet those rough dentist, then i can only say May god bless your painful tooth as it's gonna make you feel like kicking the dentist. Well, i just hope that God will bless my tooth and make it painless while i'm having the surgery and after the surgery. Pray hard hard....... Amen!!!
think of the good side.. once u remove the wisdom tooth.. ur face will become smaller wor...
cantik sekali...lol ;p
Even not pulled out yet i still cantik sekali hoh!!! It's not bengkak now liao. So still slim face lor~~~ :p
hehehe, i got a secret to tell you.. actually hor, i don't even have a single wisdom tooth grown yet!! how ah??
Patut-lah macam lu tak wisdom sangat!!! now i know the reason... hahahah... mine all came out liao lo. i think i too much wisdom until terbalik jadi stupid lei... kakakaa... u sure ur's didnt come out? still hiding? hhmmm...
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